Single-Handed Anything Goes

SUNDAY September 29, 2024! (NEW DATE!!!!)
The 2024 Single handed Anything Goes (S.H.A.G) Race is Saturday September 29th (NEW DATE!!!!!). This is going to once again be an amazing event so make sure you register and come out to play!
Results: Results
Download the Notice of Race
Download the Sailing Instructions
Late registration is open
Register for only $10: Register Today!
Crew not needed! Wait… who will I yell at?
This is a great opportunity to get out and challenge yourself by racing single handed around English Bay!
Guest Moorage
As always guest Moorage is available if you would like to deliver your boat on Friday.
New to single handed racing?
No Problem! There is no shortage of experienced single-handed skippers willing to offer advice in exchange for beer! PM Me for contact info!
The sea was angry that day my friend…
After the race all participants and friends of participants are welcome back to the club for libations and of over-exaggerated tales of survival on the high-seas of English bay.
Beyond 1-3 place there may be prizes for:
- Top rookie
- Top female
- Best tale of survival – as voted on by posts on Facebook following the race.
- Turtle Trophy – Last person to finish (elapsed time).
- Best tale of survival – as voted on by a committee in the bar after the race.
Boat | Class | Sail No. | Rating | Skipper | Club | |
Bandit | Tripp 41 | 50400 | 9 | Jason Vandergaag | RVYC | |
Stiletto | J/120 | 43 | 57 | Chris Bradley | PRYC | |
The Kodiak Express | Express 37 | 40789 | 69 | Jason Hoffman | WVYC | |
Krikkit | Abbott 36 | KC 3 | 123 | Simon Hill | TCYC | |
Wildfire | Express 30 | 34696 | 156 | Phil DeGeller | TCYC | |
Emotional Rescue | Catalina 36 | 2286 | 171 | Justin Brown | VRC | |
Lark | C&C 27 | 29427 | 198 | Paul Arcoite | VRC | |
Dusty Mauch | Peterson 25 | 19967 | 221 | Edward Karadontis | VRC |